Course curriculum

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    • WW23-0510 - Leveraging Benchmarking to Unlock more Funding Opportunities

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    WW23-0419 - Unlocking Funding for Women Entrepreneurs

    • Unlocking Funding for Women Entrepreneurs

    • Presentation - Keisha Gani

    • Presentation - Katleho Tsoku

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    WW22-1412 - State of Impact Investment in 2023 - Opportunities for Driving Impact

    • State of Impact Investment in 2023 - Opportunities for Driving Impact

    • Presentation - Maggie Flanagan

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    WW22-1019 - Scaling Impact - Leveraging ecosystems for Strategy and Funding

    • Scaling Impact - Leveraging ecosystems for Strategy and Funding

    • Presentation - Nadine Freeman

    • Presentation - AB Chakravarthy

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    WW22-0921 - Mentors - A Super Asset for Impact Incubators

    • Mentors - A Super Asset for Impact Incubators

    • Presentation - Lynne Anderson

    • Presentation - Erika Norwood

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    WW22-0824 - Moving from Metrics to Insights - a path to better impact funding

    • Moving from Metrics to Insights - A Path to Better Impact Funding

    • Abigayle Davidson Presentation

    • Nicholas Colloff Presentation

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    WW22-0727 - Funding for Impact - How can Impact Organizations become Sustainable?

    • Funding for Impact - How can Impact Organizations become Sustainable?

    • Romy Cahyadi Presentation

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    WW22-0622 - Beyond Equity Instruments - Emerging Pathways to fund impact

    • Beyond Equity Instruments - Emerging Pathways to fund impact

    • Keith Ippel Presentation

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    WW22-0427 - Impact Networks for Impact Organizations

    • Impact Networks for Impact Organizations

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    WW22-0323 - The Great Resignation and its impact on incubators and social entrepreneurs

    • The Great Resignation and its impact on incubators and social enterprises

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    WW22-0223 - From an Incubator to an Investment Fund

    • From an Incubator to an Investment Fund: The Journey, Challenges, Opportunities and Learnings

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    WW22-0126 - The Changing Face of Innovation - How Incubators can adapt their Support

    • The Changing Face of Innovation

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    WW21-1108 - How can Incubators Support Women Entrepreneurs Better?

    • How can Incubators support Women Entrepreneurs better?

    • Presentation - How can Incubators support Women Entrepreneurs Better?

    • How can Incubators support Women Entrepreneurs Better?

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    WW21-1007 - Social Ventures - Are we there yet?

    • Social Ventures - Are we there yet?

    • Presentation - Kate Cochran

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    WW21-0906 - Stitching Ecosystems Together: Philippines Angel Network

    • Stitching Ecosystems Together : Philippines Angel Network

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    WW21-0805 - Best Practices for SE incubation: Lessons from the INVENT Program

    • Best Practices for SE Incubation: Lessons from the INVENT Program

    • Presentation - Paul Basil & Mohammad Azhar

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    WW21-0704 - The Road to Recovery: What are start-ups focusing on post-COVID?

    • The Road to Recovery: What are start-ups focusing on post-COVID?

    • Presentation - Iana Aranda

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    WW21-06BONUS - Keys to Success and Scale - Five things Incubators must provide SE's

    • Keys to Success and Scale - Five things Incubators must provide SEs

    • Presentation 1 - Mark Marino

    • Presentation 2 - Sona Shah

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    WW21-0603 - Addressing the Changing Needs of Social Enterprises during CoViD: Experiences from India and Africa

    • Addressing the Changing Needs of SEs during CoViD: Experiences from India and Africa

    • Presentation - Wilfred Njagi

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    WW21-0502 - Mirror mirror on the wall: Metrics for Incubators

    • WW21-0502

    • Presentation - Tanuja Kate

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    WW21-0401 - Innovation during CoViD19: Continue, Pivot or Hold?

    • Innovation during CoVid19: Continue, Pivot or Hold?

    • Presentation - Abhishek Sen


Co-Founder & CEO

Arun Venkatesan

Arun Venkatesan is Co-founder and CEO of Villgro USA. Till June 2019, he was CTO of Villgro India, leading their health sector investments. He has over 15 years of experience in materials R&D, device development and forward integration of technology into tangible, marketable entities. He has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and has done post-doctoral research in fuel-cell materials development and micro-fuel-cell fabrication.